Freiland-Aquarium und -Terrarium Stein


In the Frei­land-Aqua­rium und Ter­ra­rium Stein, there are mainly native and European fishes, amphibians and reptiles.

In the area you will find terrariums for amphibians and reptiles. The positions of the terrariums are optimized regarding the needs of the animals (sunny or shady places).


Fishes and other animals of the water, like dragonfly nymphes, crabs, water beetles and so on you can find in the aquariums. Here the livestock changes, in particular, small living beings such as tadpoles according to the season.
Our microscope room gives insights into the world of insects. Here, due to the short live of the adult insects, preparations of the insects can be seen.


The whole zoological and botanical garden represents a natural part of our landscape. Additionally you can find information on indigenous wild plants, herbs and swamp and aquatic plants in several flowerbeds.


The park is managed on voluntary basis by members of the Natur­histo­rischen Gesell­schaft / Department Frei­land-Aqua­rium und -Terra­rium.
If you are interested in freelancing, please do not hesitate to ask one of our members. During the opening hours there are always members present. They will be happy to help you.